Enchantment, Midnight Requiem, Photo Of the Day

Somber prayers whispered at Enchantment

What shape was this who came to us,
With basilisk eyes so ominous,
With mouth so sweet, so poisonous,
And tortured hands so pale?

The Vampire, by Conrad Aiken

Walk in with reverence and wary steps, for you are now in the domains of Roxy Mystic‘s Church Lady. Everything in this masterful composition exudes majesty, from the rich colour and mesmerizing golden rays of the Somber Religion outfit by irrISIStible, to the intense gaze and the tilted angle that places you -oh fortunate viewer- helpless falling at her feet. What kind of creature of darkness is this magnificent figure in front of you? That is a question best answered at “Midnight Requiem: Echoes of the Underworld.”

Roxy Mystic’s incredible rendition is opening the door and only you know how this story ends. Share your own enchanting creations in the Enchantment Flickr Group, where creativity knows no bounds.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary experience! Immerse yourself in the magic of “Midnight Requiem” and let the echoes of the underworld ignite your imagination. Enchantment awaits from February 9th to March 2nd.

TAXI to Enchantment