Midnight Requiem, Photo Of the Day

Join the Nocturnal at Enchantment

As the Vampire Ascendant, I can grant my lover immortality, and bind them to me forever.


Dive into the dark and mysterious world of vampires with “Vampire Ascendant” by Zilypon! This mesmerizing image captures the essence of vampiric elegance, from the haunting glow of the candelabra to the exquisite fashion adorning our nocturnal protagonist. The swirling demon chant that surrounds the scene adds an eerie yet enchanting touch, drawing you deeper into the realm of the undead.

But the journey into darkness doesn’t end there! Experience the alluring magic of “Midnight Requiem” at the Enchantment event, where fantasy and folklore collide in a spectacular display of creativity. Join fellow enthusiasts in the Enchantment Flickr Group, and unleash your own imaginative creations inspired by the enchanting theme. Don’t miss out on this spellbinding experience! Enchantment awaits from February 9th to March 2nd.

TAXI to Enchantment