A sad farewell to The Little Mermaid and the August round of Enchantment, but it was spectacular. The feedback has been unbelievably wonderful and we are thrilled that the mini events during the event were some of your favorites as well!! A huge hand to the designers who participated. Their work was paramount… and we are not just saying that! The work at this round was of exceptional quality and filled with imagination! Enchantment also had one of the most picturesque backdrops thanks to our build designer, Divine Paine. Her attention to detail and ability to translate a story into a surrounding is jaw dropping (we wouldn’t trade her for the world!)

Enchantment also boasts some of the most phenomenal bloggers in Second Life. The work they did this round was nothing short of spectacular. Worthy of mention are our bloggers who made it into the Enchantment Court! Our reigning top stars are Darth Kline & Halfwraith and the court is comprised of Roxi Firanelli, sdevas & Vanleen Brooks. These bloggers outdid themselves and

immersed creatively into the theme and produced art that took our breaths away. ALL of our bloggers deserve a hand. Every last one of them are tops. We couldn’t have done it without you guys (muah!) Our two Seraphim representatives are near and dear to our hearts, Eden and Cinder. These two are simply the best of the best and do not come any better. We will never give them up and they were quickly absorbed into our Enchantment family. These two spent so much time getting our gallery together and we appreciate every single thing they did!

A giant thank you to our performers & guest hosts.
The Lady Garden Cabaret proved yet again that they reach for the stars with every new show. We were so proud to watch the sim fill to capacity for the show, these ladies deserve all the recognition and kudos our world has to offer! Redhawk did an amazing little performance on the docks of Enchantment to a crowd of swimming mermaids. Natalie Montagne of The Lost Unicorn Gallery set up an eye catching display of works from

her collection of fine SL artists and hosted a very successful photocontest. And, our very own Sorchiee held her own and kept audiences in awe as she read, sang and played throughout it all (She is so freaking adorable!)
Lastly, but certainly not least, a giant thank you to those that worked diligently behind the scenes. Our Blogger Manager and all around Go-To-Gal, Anabelle Marquis, who kept things organized and in most cases… kept us on the ball! And the beautiful Vae (aikea riek0) who jumped in and helped at load-in and added her exceptional touch to the decor. We love each and every one of you!! Thank you for making Enchantment such an overwhelming success.
The website will be updating shortly as we put August into the Archives and November’s round will start to appear.
“Unseen we can enter the houses of men, where there are children, and for every day on which we find a good child, who is the joy of his parents and deserves their love, our time of probation is shortened. The child does not know, when we fly through the room, that we smile with joy at his good conduct, for we can count one year less of our three hundred years. But when we see a naughty or a wicked child, we shed tears of sorrow, and for every tear a day is added to our time of trial!” The Little Mermaid ~ Hans Christian Anderson
The End.