TAXI—-> Enchantment Entertainment Role Play Tavern & Musical Venue
Please join us Feb 9th – Mar 4th for a lovely month filled with Live Musical sets, Role Play, and enchanting story times. This round we’ve created the “Prancing Pony” Tavern and Inn and we are encouraging those who love to Role Play to come on into the Tavern and get your good old fashioned RP on! Our Tavern Mistress, Cas will be available to guide in your Role Play, assist with musical acts, and help in anyway she can.
We’d like to extend our invitation to Role Players across the realm to come and have fun! All our Musical guest have created their DJ sets all inspired by Lord Of The Rings! We are also Sponsoring Fantasy Faire Radio! To tune your own parcel or sim use music URL : http://fantasyfaire.radioriel.org
We can’t wait to see you!