
Enchantment: Photo of The Day



‘Princess, why do you weep so bitterly?’ said the frog to the Princess.  “You nasty frog I wish to have my ball back!” replied the princess.  And a new tale begins for Enchantment in SL!  Welcome to The Frog Prince.  A wonderful tale of delight and magic.  Today’s Image of the Day is by artist Alexandra Nevermind.  This image is incredibly is the perfect “hello” by our cursed prince trapped as a frog.  The look on his sweet face begs for a kiss to help break his spell.  The lovely cool tones resonates with the sadness the prince feels trapped and cursed.  Will you be the one to break his spell??  Superb artwork Alexandra!  Come join us August 11th for Enchantment.  We cannot wait to see you there!