Today’s Photo of the Day is by artist clau.dagger. Welcome to the feast of the midsummer wedding. Today the fae folk present to you the wedding of Hermia and Lysander! This photo is full of wonderous light and detail. The table is filled with all sorts of delicious fruit and the plate settings are set for each character to take their place. This image is full of life, color, and fun. This is fabulous work Clau!
Enchantment: Midsummer Night’s Dream is now open. Come and shop in an event-themed after the classic comedy by Shakspeare. Dream your way through our wonderful event and discover wonderful creations made by some amazing SL designers. And do not forget our free hunt opening this weekend as well! Hunt hints and Enchantment chat can be found in our Discord or inworld.
Come & join on Discord:https://discord.gg/jBUcRGgmXP
Find out more about The Lost Unicorn Photo Contest HERE.