iheartslFeed, Photo Of the Day, The Iron Throne

Enchantment Photo of The Day!


“The frightened child who sheltered in my manse died on the Dothraki sea, and was reborn in blood and fire. This dragon queen who wears her name is a true Targaryen.”

Today’s Image of the Day is by artist ♥ Nekotto ♥.  Here we see Danaerys Stormborn, queen of Meereen, rightful heir to the 7 kingdoms enjoying a magnificent feast.  This image is just stunning.  The lighting just bounces off of everything giving the image a light and soft glow.  The scene is incredibly detailed.  And . . . opps . . . someone frogot to edit out their Starbucks cup!! This is amazing!  Wonderful work Nekotto! Enchantment: The Iron Throne is now open!!  Come and check out all the wonderful designers, complete the hunt and stay for the DJs.  The Lost Unicorn Photo Contest has begun!  Check out the rules HERE.  Contest ends June 2nd.