Blogger Trophies – Transparency & Criteria.

First, we want to sincerely thank you all for your beautiful work for Enchantment. You’re part of this team because we believe you are fantastic ambassadors for the event and for the Fantasy genre with all its sub-genres. As a token of our appreciation—and hopefully, as a source of inspiration—we have Blogger Trophies.

Every round, bloggers are evaluated not only on meeting the minimum requirements but also on going beyond them. For the sake of transparency, here’s what each trophy represents (as of December 2024):

🖤 Onyx Trophy
If you receive an Onyx Trophy, we recognize your contribution and appreciate your effort, but unfortunately, you did not meet the minimum requirements for this round. This is not a permanent mark—it’s simply a reminder to step up and fully embrace this opportunity.

However, if you receive the Onyx Trophy repeatedly, it may be a sign that you either no longer have time or are no longer committed to doing your best work for Enchantment. If that’s the case, the best solution for both parties might be to part ways—no hard feelings! Life happens, blogging styles change, and we completely understand. You’re always welcome back if things change.

🥉 Bronze Trophy
If you receive a Bronze Trophy, you’ve done a great job meeting the minimum requirements—a minimum three posts featuring at least six different designers—and your work has been a beautiful addition to the Enchantment showcase.

🥈 Silver Trophy
If you receive a Silver Trophy, your work is very strong. You have not only met the minimum requirements, but you’ve also demonstrated an exemplary ability to showcase designs and weave them into a compelling story.

🏆 Gold Trophy
The Gold Trophy is awarded to those who exceed expectations in both quantity and creative impact. This is the “above and beyond” recognition. Gold recipients have gone well beyond the minimum requirements, contributing outstanding work that weaves magic into every post and every frame.

📌 Aiming for Gold?
If you’re looking to aim for Gold in future rounds, consider:
✨ Posting more than the required minimum—expanding your storytelling and featuring a broader range of designers.
✨ Pushing your artistic style further—experimenting with new storytelling techniques, compositions, or scene-building to make your posts even more immersive.

📌 A Note on Image Editing
This is not about having advanced Photoshop or editing skills. You can go far with great composition, strong framing, compelling storytelling, and experimenting with the tools available in your viewer, such as EEP (windlights) and in-world camera settings. Creativity and vision matter more than software skills!