iheartslFeed Photo Of the Day

Enchantment’s Aura of Timeless Majesty

Father Time is one of the oldest beings in the universe, but even he can’t keep track of time without the help of his Khronos Angels…


Step into the enchanting world of “Clockwork Angel” by Rudhmellowen Laguna, a stunning image captured for the Aetherium Nexus round of Enchantment where time reigns supreme! Behold the Golden Kronos Girl – an ethereal being that shimmers in the candlelight, their golden skin and glittering time-piece halos casting a radiant glow upon the passage of time! Enveloping Father Time himself, they create an aura of timeless majesty, ensuring that the rhythms of the universe flow harmoniously. Together, they stand as guardians of the temporal realm. These golden items are part of a set from Forest Fantasy Store, available exclusively at Enchantment, and these angels ensure that time flows smoothly for those living their days as if nothing else matters! Embrace the timeless allure of the Aetherium Nexus as you immerse yourself in this captivating image, where the past, present, and future converge in a symphony of enchantment!

Join the adventure and share your own enchanting creations in the Enchantment Flickr Group, where imaginations run wild and creativity knows no bounds! Don’t miss your chance to immerse yourself in the world of “Aetherium Nexus” from May 10th to June 2nd. Enchantment awaits!

TAXI to Enchantment